How to Support the New 400 Acre Development
So many of you have let us know that you would like to support the new development here in Oregon! We have put a couple of ways to do that below. Thank you all, and enjoy the ride as we take you along for the journey! Stay tuned on Instagram and Patreon for more updates.
Ways to Support:
- Making a purchase on (CBD, Candles, Pet Treats, and more!)
- Sponsor a B.O.S.S. Farm animal by clicking here (you can always sponsor multiple animals as each sponsorship helps us care for the animals and their enclosures)
- You can send a gift using PayPal or Venmo: @bossfarms Please Note: because we are rescuing as a private company and no longer as a 501c3 organization, gifts sent through PayPal/Venmo are no longer tax deductible. As always, each gift still goes directly to the care of our animals and the development and care of the new Sanctuary. That will NEVER change!
- Sharing our Instagram Page with friends and family and interacting with posts.
- Join Patreon! Visit While we appreciate every tier of support please note the $20 and up tiers are what gain exclusive access to Tye's Private Instagram page where he does in depth Lives, behind the scenes footage, special rescue content, early product launches and more.
Thank you for the support rescue fam, we're glad to have you!